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Moe Maid Café mission is to bring you a one of a kind maid café that is affordable, family friendly and every otaku fantasy. Here at Moe Maid Café we will combine Japanese tradition and culture with an American fusion. Moe Maid Café will strive to have excellent customer service and tasty food that will fit our masters needs and excitement.

How Mo​e Maid Café was created…
The Café wasn't created overnight, but rather the result of years of hard work by our 4 board members, including founder Tajaun Penn. Our love for Asian culture & passion for the Japanese café scene made the idea of Moe Maid Café possible And it was at JNation's mini-convention in the summer of 2013 that they got their big break. The founder and leader of The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitation (TAKII) D-Chan came to the event and that was when TaJaun told her proposal about the café idea to D-Chan and he gave us the opportunity to debut at TAKII. 

Our Story....


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What is a Maid Café? 
Maid café are firstly designed to cater to the needs of male otaku fans. Otaku’s moe or love for anime created the image and attractions for maid cafés. Moe also refers to the adoration of the innocent looking and young females so those females with moe attracts to the establishment so that they can give real life fantasy of the fictional maids. Nowadays maid cafés not only cater to the fantasy of Otaku’s but also cater to the needs of tourist, families and females. Maid cafés are famous for their menu of different desserts. The common greeting to customers is “Welcome home Master or Mistress”. Common practices that maids often do to interact with the customers include playing games, telling jokes, and performing coordinated songs/dances. As a customer there are rules for the customers to follow when interacting with the maids the customers are not allowed to touch the maids or ask any personal information about the maids or invading the maids' personal space. A major rule we pay special attention to is that photography is strictly forbidden without the prior permission from the maids.

Hope To See You Soon   Moe Maid Cafe

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